A Miracle Landing!
Lindiwe’s account
“Bye Aunt Lindi!”
“Bye Gogo!” I responded, starting the car on a steep slope to the gate. Instead of the car moving up forward, it started sliding backwards. I tried to engage the brakes. Nothing worked. Gogo started shouting,
“Batai mabreki! Batai mabreki! Hold the brakes!”
The car just kept on moving backwards. I had flashes of a hundred thoughts in my mind. Gogo’s house is up on a beautiful hilly place. There are terraces with steps that go down to where there is a beautiful swimming pool area with a gazebo where people can lounge and enjoy the cool, especially on a hot day. All around are very tall leafy trees. The next terrace has a fowl run. The next slopes further down to where there is a big thriving garden, currently with a lush crop of sugar beans and a rich maize crop. They say it is a good 21 feet down from the upper terrace of the house to where the garden begins, stretching further down. My mind raced past all these glimpses, dreading my demise. I also remembered where the nightmare had started, but I had continued on instead of stopping.
As I drove from Vainona to Glen Lorne that morning, there is a roundabout on Harare Drive and Rolf Valley Road. As I approached the roundabout, the car had sped instead of slowing down. I had tried to put on the brakes, but they did not engage. I just thanked God that there were no other cars at the roundabout. Maybe I should have stopped there and then reported the incident of brakes. But I had continued on my way. I just kept praying, “God, protect me. God, please protect me!” These were the new year days in 2023. I had been thankful to cross over into the new year. Others had not managed to do so.
At the gate, when I arrived at Gogo’s place where I had been sent to collect some chickens, my heart told me to park outside the gate, because the slope is steep as one drives in. But I had never done that before. I had the persistent feeling to park outside, but I decided to drive in. I drove through safely to the back terrace, where we went down the steps to collect chickens from the fowl run. The gardener helped me load them. Gogo was there also. But here am I about to face my death. Does life end just like that? How would they extricate my body after the car rolls down turning many times over. Maybe they would fish out my mangled body from the swimming pool. As all those thoughts flashed through my mind, the car hit the curb at the end of the terrace, then it flew up. I remember whispering, “My God! O, my God!” Then I saw a flash of white light. I blacked out.
Gogo’s account
Lindiwe had driven her Honda Fit from the back of the house and I stopped her so I could give her a parcel of bananas, a melon and nuts to take to my grandchildren. She walked back into the car. I was looking at her and admiring her tenacity and capabilities. She was now able to assist with school runs outside of her other duties. She was such an assert.
We bid one another farewell as I stood in front of the door at the front of the house. She started the car, but instead of the car moving forward, the wheels slid backwards. I thought it would stop. But no! My heart started pounding and so I shouted,
“Auntie, batai mabreki! Batai mabreki!” firstly in low tone as I did not want her to panic. After realising the car was not stopping, I shouted louder for her to hold the brakes. It was too late.
I dreaded what was going to happen. I watched helplessly trying to follow the car. It all happened so quickly. What I feared most happened. The car hit the curb and flew up. I lost all my strength. I did not want to see. I did not want to know! My wobbly legs carried me into the house where I collapsed on a seat, waiting to hear the worst but my hope was in God, the Almighty, the Protector.
Our niece, Rose, who was in the house came running inquiring what was happening as she had heard a loud bang. I told her to rush to the garden to see for herself.
David the gardener’s account
I was busy cleaning the garage at the back of the house when I was frightened by Gogo’s voice shouting, “Batai mabreki! Batai mabreki!” what was happening? Sisi Lindiwe had just left in her car with four live chickens she had come to collect. I dropped the broom and ran out onto the back terrace in time to see the car hitting the curb where the terrace ends, and to my utter amazement, it flew up past the trees and after a few seconds I heard a loud bang and thud. My knees shook terribly I could hardly stand. But I had to run down the steps to see what had happened. I took the steps down to the swimming pool area. Then I wobbled further down and stopped in my tracks by the chicken run area. Was I seeing a ghost? The car was intact and had been stopped by a tree. Lindiwe had just come out and was walking up. Was I seeing right? She asked what had happened. I did not wait. I ran back to tell Gogo that Lindiwe was all right. She did not believe me, but she heard Lindiwe talking to Rose, and then she saw her too. I could see relief on Gogo’s face after she saw Lindiwe.
Lindiwe’s account continues
I really did not see what happened. I only came to my senses as I heard the car crash down, still facing the direction it had come from. There was a tree behind that stopped it, maybe it would have rolled further down into the garden. (Picture of car where it stopped in the garden) First, I thought I was in a nightmare. I unbuckled the seat belt, opened the door and got out. I looked up. How did this car manoeuvre its way down here? There was no open way. There was thick bush and trees. How did it avoid hitting trees along the way? I really was baffled. If I was really alive and not dreaming, then this must be God’s hand. Only God could have caught the car in his hand and directed it to land safely in the garden. If my seat belt was not on, I might have been thrown out. The distance from the top terrace of the house was astounding. I could hear the chickens also. They survived the dent to the boot and the smashed back window. Then I saw David stop in his tracks and staring at me. I did not really hear what he said. I saw him run back.
The Police were notified. Automobile Association, AA was called. The Policeman arrived and I remember him saying,
“Surely, there is a living God. You are a miracle. How did the car get down there from up here without overturning?”
When the AA people came, they kept marvelling that a car could get where it was without rolling. How? But they failed to take the car out. There was no way of doing so. I later heard that a lorry with a crane was hired and even they had a tough time lifting the car out. First, someone drove it a little closer, by the chicken run. Bushes had to be hacked out of the way to create a clear pathway. Then the crane was let down to haul the vehicle up.

Pictures of Lindiwe’s Car Being Hauled Out
There were many comments given by various people who witnessed where the car had landed. These are some of their comments.
“How did the car get down there? How did it avoid crashing into all those trees?”
“Continue to worship your God. He truly cares for you.”
“You really serve a living God. This is unbelievable!”
“I want to know the same God that you know. I really do.”
There was a suggestion to take me to the hospital but I declined. I was all right except for the pain on my waist and back which was caused by the impact. I was praying it off. I could not stop thanking and praising God for the miracle that saved my life. If it had not been for his hand and saving grace, I would be a death statistic now. I kept singing songs of praise. The following day, a certain song was repeating itself in my heart. I sang it all day. “Do you believe in Jesus? Yes, I do” were the repeated lines. On 12th January 2023, there was another song in my heart. I recorded that one on my phone. It was a song of gratitude thanking Jesus, my Lord, and my Protector!
Do you believe in Jesus? Yes, I do. He saved my life on 10th January 2023 from a deadly fall while I was inside a car. I still cannot fathom how I survived that plunge, but I did. God had surely commanded his angels concerning me to guard me in all my ways. As promised, they had lifted me up in their hands, so that I would not strike my foot against a stone (Psalm 91:11, 12). I worship him always as he deserves all the praise and glory.
Lindiwe Moyo is a dearly loved and cherished helping hand with a family in Harare. She is very enterprising and has accomplished many good things in her life. She loves the Lord and is an ardent worshipper.