Malilo a tshidele – July 2024
The poem is about stigma and stigmatization of an unspecified group of people, be it the poor, disabled or those with special needs. It ends by showing what society can do to stop such.
Title: Malilo a tshidele
Poet: Forget Bwelye
Language: Tshivenda
Location: Beitbridge
Lo ri li tshi tavhi
Nda livha ha khonani yanga Thavhi
Nda muwana a tshilila
Ndi tshi muvhudzise e ha tsha vhona mutshila
Mutshila u wone u ne wa mu nea maada
Ene Thavhi a tshibva ha Mannda
Vhutshilo ndi saga
Line Muthu a di hwalela.
Vhathu vha ntshumbedza vengo
Nge nda holefhala
Nda newa madzina
Madzina a ne a nyomba
Madzina a ne a vhaisa mbilu
Yanga ya mbo di fhanduwa
Nge nda vhona vha sina dzangalelo
Dzangalelo la u vha tsini nanne
Mashaka, lotsha tshoṱhe
Kha ri vuwe ri lugise roṱhe
Zwi mbo ḓiluga tshoṱhe
Ri ḓifheliwe nga vhutshilo roṱhe