Bathandekayo, it is a delight to meet you here. This is my new blog and I will be sharing with you all sorts to keep the Ndebele language vibrant. There is something for the children, oKhekhe; for the you as a young person, Mntomtsha, and for all of us. Thank you very much for being a follower of my blog. Let us hear from you also if you have some bright ideas to share with your friends, especially ideas that encourage and uplift our language. Gogo will always share a devotional because without God, we are lost. And, there is a forum for you to share your Story of Faith in English. People just love to hear how you have been blessed.

Ubuntu Yikuzithoba Lokuzehlisa
Ubuntu yikuzithoba lokuzehlisa. Siyabathanda abantu abazehlisayo, abazithobayo. Balobudlelwano obuhle labanye abantu, ngoba abazazisi. Abaziphakamisi. Abalabo…

Ukugqibela Umthombo
Esinye isaga esitsho into yinye lokugqibela umthombo yilesi esithi, Ukunyela Emthonjeni. Lezizaga zikhuluma ngomuntu olitshapha…

Ukunakekela Okumangalisayo
Empilweni esiyiphilayo, abantu abanengi abahlakaniphileyo babhala amaWili besaphila. IWili yincwadi elotshwa ngumuntu esaphila atsho ukuba…

31 Mpalakazi 2024 Ngiyalibingelela lonke ngemakhaya lakumagumbi amane omhlaba malunga eBarbara Clara Makhalisa-Nkala Literary Trust…

Mbilu – December 2024
(Mongo/overview)This poem speaks of a person who is reprimanding oneself to do away with their…

Ndi ṅwana wa muvenda – November 2024
(Overview)Overall, this poem is about expressing pride in oneself. While the overarching theme that runs…

Mwana Wese – September 2024
(Overview)Mwana Wese is a poem about the importance of providing children with a nurturing and…

Ludo Nha? – October 2024
(OVERVIEW)"Ludo Nha" explores the painful irony of being rejected and ignored by family during one's…

Mme – August 2024
(Overview)This heartfelt poem is a tender tribute to a mother, celebrating her unwavering love, loyalty…

Malilo a tshidele – July 2024
(OVERVIEW)The poem is about stigma and stigmatization of an unspecified group of people, be it…

Kahle Ndimutshayire Hlombe – June 2024
(Overview)Appreciation is a noble virtue. The poet expresses his heartfelt gratitude to his dedicated fans…

(Overview)Wake up embrace hard work and learn from others. Let us not apply for poverty.…
Barbara Clara Makhalisa-Nkala
BARBARA is married to Shadreck Nkala and they have three adult children and six grand-children.
She first obtained a Diploma in Education with the University College of Rhodesia (Zimbabwe), then a Bachelor of Arts in English and Communication with the University of South Africa (UNISA), and a Master of Arts in Leadership and Management with Africa Leadership and Management Academy (ALMA). She was awarded a PhD by National University of Science and Technology for her work in Education and Literature. She taught in various secondary schools in the country before joining Longman Zimbabwe in 1981, where she rose to the position of commissioning editor for humanities subjects.
NAMA LEGENDS AWARDS 2021 - Barbara Clara Makhalisa-Nkala
Barbara Makhalisa is one of the early published female writers in Zimbabwe. Also known as Barbara Nkala her maried name. She is the author of fiction & non fiction books written in both Ndebele & english.
Barbara's writing career began when she won an award for a national writing competition for her first book, Qilindini, a detective thriller, whilst her second book, Umendo, was considered a classic for its portrayal of the marriage institution.
In 2015 she was awarded a PHD from the National Institution of Science & Technology, for her work in education & Literature. Heading the IBS Institution of Zimbabwe, Barbara coordinated the translation of Ndebele & Shona Bibles, as well as a Chichewa New Testament.
She Later founded Radiant publishing, who's vision is to publish for transformation. In Scaling Up mentoring & promoting the development of other writers for the future development of Ndebele Literature in Zimbabwe, She has established the Barbara Clara Makhalisa Literary Trust, which promotes the advancement & Publishing Of Ndebele Literature, development of a Reading Culture & establishing reading resource centers through funding & Training.....