UMNCINTISWANO WOKULOBA INDATSHANA EMFITSHANE NGESINDEBELE Mthwakazi omuhle, nanti ithuba lokuthi ulobe unonise isiphala solimi lwakho! Gagadlela lelithuba ubalelwe kulabo abaphehla ilifa lalamuhla lelakusasa. Loba INDATSHANA EMFITSHANE ngesiNdebele esicacileyo. INDATSHANA yakho ingaba lamabala aphakathi kwe 700 kusiya ku2000. Okukhulu ngumnkantsho wayo. Zikhethele udaba oluphathelene lalokhu okwenzakalayo empilweni yalamhla ulobe indatshana yakho ngakho. INDATSHANA yakho ayibe ngumsebenzi…
As the year 2023 comes to its end the Barbara Clara Makhalisa Nkala Literary Trust (BCMNLT) looks back with pride at the progress we have made in a short space of time. True to the vision, passion and hard-working spirit of our founder and members of the Board, we ran a competition in writing Ndebele…